Pet Microchipping

At Hall Veterinary Clinic in Gaylord, MI, we offer comprehensive microchipping services for dogs and cats to help keep them where they belong: in their homes with their loving families.

A white kitten being examined by a veterinarian

Understanding Pet Microchipping

Pet microchipping involves the implantation of a tiny, rice-sized microchip under your pet’s skin, typically near the shoulder blade. This microchip contains a unique identification number that is linked to your contact information in a secure database. The procedure is similar to a routine vaccination and causes minimal discomfort to your pet.

When a lost pet is found, veterinary clinics and animal shelters can use a special scanner to detect the microchip. The scanner reads the unique identification number, which can then be used to access the owner’s contact information from the database. This process ensures that pets can be quickly and efficiently reunited with their families.

Benefits of Pet Microchipping

Microchipping offers several key benefits for pet owners:

  • Permanent Identification: Unlike collars and tags, which can fall off or become damaged, a microchip provides a permanent form of identification that stays with your pet throughout its life.
  • Increased Chances of Reunion: Statistics show that microchipped pets are significantly more likely to be returned to their owners if they become lost.
  • Ease of Use: The microchipping procedure is quick, easy, and causes minimal discomfort. Once implanted, the microchip requires no maintenance or replacement.
  • Widely Recognized: Most veterinary clinics and animal shelters are equipped with microchip scanners, making it easy to identify and contact the owner of a lost pet.

When to Microchip Your Pet

It is advisable to microchip your pet as early as possible. Puppies and kittens can be microchipped during their routine wellness exams or vaccination visits. However, pets of any age can benefit from being microchipped. If your pet is not yet microchipped, we recommend scheduling an appointment at Hall Veterinary Clinic to ensure their safety and your peace of mind.

What to Expect During the Microchipping Procedure

  • Consultation: During your visit, our veterinary team will explain the microchipping process and answer any questions you may have.
  • Procedure: Using a needle, the microchip is implanted under your pet’s skin. The process is quick and similar to administering a vaccination.
  • Registration: After implantation, the microchip’s unique identification number is registered in a secure database along with your contact information. We will assist you with this registration process to ensure your pet’s information is current.